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Manual Vs. Electric Toothbrushes: Our Experts Settle the Debate

Manual Vs. Electric Toothbrushes: Our Experts Settle the Debate

=The electric versus manual toothbrush debate is something our patients ask about frequently here at Full Circle Dental Care. Our dedicated general dentist, Samuel Sigmon, DDS, welcomes these questions. 

Dr. Sigmon and our team enjoy educating our patients about good oral health practices, and we’re big believers in highly personalized concierge-level care. In this blog, we’re covering the big brush debate. 

Manual toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes have been around for ages — since at least 3000 BC, in fact. You’re undoubtedly already familiar with their simple design: usually, it’s nylon bristles mounted on a long handle. 

Although there are variations among manual toothbrushes, they’re all designed to brush away the plaque on and around your teeth and gums. Most people learn good manual toothbrushing habits as kids. The usual rule of thumb is brushing for two minutes, twice a day. 

If you make sure to pay attention to cleaning each tooth and remember to floss daily, too, manual toothbrushes do a great job. 

Electric toothbrushes 

Electric toothbrushes were first invented in the 1930s, and they’ve continually evolved to be the precision tools they are today. 

With an electric toothbrush, the rounded bristle head rotates or vibrates constantly to do a lot of the work for you. As long as you hold the electric toothbrush lightly against each tooth and along the gumline, it can get into crevices and clean away plaque.

Most electric toothbrushes have built-in timers to let you know when to move onto the next area in your mouth or when two minutes are complete. Some even tell you when you’re pressing too hard against your teeth.  

Electric versus manual toothbrush: Which works better?

Now that you know the differences in how these two types of toothbrushes work, you’d probably love to know which is better. 

Unfortunately, there’s not a single answer for that. The American Dental Association (ADA) stance is that both manual and electric toothbrushes are effective. The organization doesn’t rank one over the other. It does, however, remind patients to make sure that the toothbrush you choose has the ADA Seal of Approval on the packaging. 

Supporting this stance, a recent literature review in the International Journal of Oral Health revealed that there are no definitive answers to the electric versus manual toothbrush debate just yet. 

The literature review evaluated the results of multiple studies, carried out over many years. The answers were mixed: Some studies showed that electric and manual toothbrushes were equally effective when used properly. The majority of studies noted that manual toothbrushes were better at removing plaque, preventing gum disease, and preventing cavities. 

What toothbrush do we recommend for you?

While many dental professionals believe that electric toothbrushes reign supreme, others recommend the traditional approach. What do we think at Full Circle Dental Care? 

We recognize the value of both manual and electric toothbrushes, and we believe that the focus should shift from which one is better to which one is better for you.

Some people might find electric toothbrushes challenging to use, or they might not like the sensations they create. Others think that manual toothbrushes are too difficult to use when they could let the electric brush do the work for them, or they brush too hard with a manual toothbrush and can benefit from learning a new technique with an electric brush. 

Along with personal preferences, a patient’s age can come into play, as can their manual dexterity level. Budget can also influence which type of toothbrush fits your life best. 

Our experienced dental care team believes in getting to know you so we can understand your lifestyle, needs, and goals. After that, we make a recommendation that’s right for you and provide personalized tips for optimizing your oral hygiene routine. 

Need help deciding on the right type of brush to maintain a healthy mouth and sparkling smile? Call the Full Circle Dental Care office in Del City, Oklahoma, or connect with our friendly team online today.

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